I was chatting with a young investor, who had made a couple of investments in the past few years....
As in the story of the proverbial Rabbit & Tortoise race, the Rabbit (Equity) is a fast asset...
No, I did not mean the Goods & Services Tax introduced recently in India.
For any suc...
Last week I was with a client of mine who works for an IT services company. He had just received...
I have been inspired by this quote from the autobiography of LEE IACOCCA
<...As an investor, we are looking at maximizing our returns whilst mitigating the risk of losses. So...
They say being healthy is very simple; all you have to focus is on what you EAT and what your WOR...
This morning I was with a client discussing his portfolio and investments, when he made a comment...
The Indian Mutual Funds are undergoing a defining change, albeit silently and not entirely volunt...
In the early 1990s Harvard university conducted an experiment called the Monkey Business illusion...