Posted By: Admin
Let's say you are an active investor, with a background and history in the market, and pride yourself on reading all the latest updates on the markets..
Back in 2007, your picks would have been Reliance Communications ( 730), Videocon ( 755), JP Associates ( 260) among the many popular names doing the rounds then..
Cut to 2017, Reliance Communications ( 22), Videocon ( 19), JP Associates ( 22)...
While index itself has just about only doubled from 15000 points to 31000 points, the Mutual Funds (Large Cap Ones ) have mostly delivered about 12 - 15 % per annum, a SUPERB performance in this back drop.
Because mutual funds is always available to buy and is not restricted in any form, people tend to take it's availability for granted.
Please NOTE, you are unlikely to make money unless you make the investment and stay with it for a reasonable period of time, say 10 years..
Of course Investing in Mutual Funds will not be as exciting as Stock investing, but decide what you want
Category Finsherpa | Tags Financial Freedom
Corporate Executive : Mr Ganesh S, was a senior HR professional with a leading telecom multinatio...