Posted By: Admin
Yes, you heard it right, Wealth is Health. While it is true that health is your first wealth, it is also true that to achieve a level of wellbeing and wellness one needs the assistance of wealth.
A good health insurance will ensure the wellbeing of near and dear ones in medical distress and ensure that you are protected against huge outflows on that account.
Ensuring that you keep a good term life insurance policy to protect against the untimely demise of the breadwinner. While being an unpleasant suggestion, this is nevertheless the most important aspect of Risk Planning.
Also, by doing financial planning and ensuring one is working at investing consistently to move towards their goals is a sure-fire way to feel excited and avoid stress, thereby leading to better health.
While we do believe that your first wealth is your HEALTH, the consistent upkeep and maintenance of the same will need a good Financial Plan (WEALTH).
Category Finsherpa | Tags Financial Freedom
Corporate Executive : Mr Ganesh S, was a senior HR professional with a leading telecom multinatio...