
How to Travel the World Every 2 Years with Smart Investment Strategies

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Author - Finsherpa

Have you ever thought about how to explore the world every two years without spending too much money? The secret lies in smart investment strategies and financial planning. In this blog, we’ll explore how millennials and Gen-Zs can make travel dreams a reality by planning well and using investments to fund vacations. Let’s dive into practical steps that make frequent travel financially sustainable.

5 Key Steps to Plan Your Dream Vacations

Before booking tickets and packing bags, here are five essential steps to help you plan your travels efficiently while staying financially secure.

1. Create a Travel Bucket List

Begin by listing places you’ve always wanted to visit, such as Australia, the Americas, or other exotic destinations. Having a clear plan helps you focus on where and when you want to go. This is the starting point for bringing your travel dream to life.

2. Calculate the Costs

Travel involves several expenses beyond tickets, including accommodation, food, local transportation, travel insurance, and visa fees. Make sure to:

  • Break down expenses for flights, hotels, and meals.
  • Include inflation in your estimates if you’re planning multiple trips over a few years.

3. Budget and Save Regularly

Planning for a foreign trip? You’ll need a solid savings plan. Make it a habit to put aside a small sum every month. This approach ensures you’re financially prepared, especially if you’re traveling with a partner or family.

4. Invest in Long-Term Travel Goals

Investing wisely helps you build a travel fund over time. For example:

  • Use liquid funds for short-term goals like trips within the next year.
  • Consider equity funds for long-term travel plans (5-10 years ahead) to grow your savings faster.

5. Travel Economically for Sustainability

Opt for a balance between comfort and affordability. Travel smartly by:

  • Booking early to secure cheaper tickets.
  • Using frequent flyer miles to reduce flight costs.

This approach ensures you can sustain travel every two years without straining your finances.

A Real-World Example of Planning Travel Every 2 Years

Let’s walk through an example of a couple planning to travel abroad every two years for the next 10 years. Their estimated cost for each trip is ₹5 lakhs, with an assumed 5% inflation. Here's how their travel budget evolves:

  • First trip (2 years later): ₹5.5 lakhs
  • Second trip (4 years later): ₹6 lakhs
  • Third trip (6 years later): ₹6.75 lakhs

How to Travel the World Every 2 Years with Smart Investment Strategies - Real World Example - Finsherpa

To achieve this, they start investing ₹20,000 per month. Over time, balanced advantage funds or diversified equity funds help grow their savings to meet these costs comfortably.

Check out the video link for a more in-depth understanding

How Much Do You Need for 10 Trips in 20 Years?

If the couple follows this plan diligently, they can fund 10 exotic trips over 20 years with just ₹50,000 per month in investments. Doesn’t that sound exciting? Planning makes all the difference in keeping these trips financially manageable.

Avoid Costly Credit Card Debt

Many people fund travel with credit cards and struggle with debt later. Instead, advance planning offers significant advantages:

  • Book tickets early for better deals.
  • Use travel rewards to cut costs on future trips.

By planning wisely, you avoid hefty credit card bills and enjoy vacations without post-trip stress.

Check out the video link for a more in-depth understanding

Final Thoughts: Start Planning Today for Stress-Free Travel

If traveling the world is your dream, the best time to start is now! A small, consistent investment plan can grow into a travel fund that enables you to explore new destinations every two years. Even simple investment products, like mutual funds, can generate the returns you need to support your travel goals.

So, what are you waiting for? Start planning, invest wisely, and pack your bags for your next adventure! Happy travels!

For the complete video experience, click on this link

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