

Posted By: Admin

The football fever is on, and all eyes are on Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Neymar. What makes these guys stand out?

Champions are ones who shine when the prospects of success are the dim. When all hope is given up, they rise like a phoenix to steer their team to success thus captivating the imagination of their fans. Being consistent, i.e. showing up every time, is a hallmark of a champion. They have always kept their teams back and ensured that their performance counted every second they were in the field. That’s how legends are made. CONSISTENCY and showing up every time. Success in the investment world is pretty similar.

Sensex hit 21000 points on 21 Jan 2008, and then followed the global meltdown. In the ensuing months, the panic-struck equity market plunged all the way down to 8000 points, before a slow and painful recovery. Let us imagine you had started a SIP in Jan 2008, you would agree that it would have been arguably the worst time to invest (possibly in the century). However, let’s say you had continued to consistently set money aside every month. Guess what you would have made in 10 years of investing. (BSE 100 Index: 11.70%).

Arguably the best return as compared to other comparable asset classes like Fixed Deposits, GOLD, etc… NOT BAD for someone who picked the worst time in history to start an investment. The secret sauce, in this case, is the consistency of showing up every single month with a cheque irrespective of what happens in the stock market. So, if you want to be the Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Neymar of the investing world, learn to be CONSISTENT. SHOW UP EVERY MONTH WITH YOUR INVESTMENT.

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