Posted By: Admin
They say being healthy is very simple; all you have to focus is on what you EAT and what your WORKOUT is. The ‘Science Of Eating’ is emerging as a new field to help us stay healthy. Gone are the days when people thought eating less was eating right. It is now clear to us that eating right is not just about the quantity of the food as much as it is about its constituents. You need the right amount of everything in your diet; carbohydrates, proteins, and even fats (yes, you heard me right)! Also, consistency is key to both diet and your workout. Whether you walk, jog, run or follow a gym routine, it won’t matter unless you do it regularly.
Same is the case with investing. Not only should you be investing consistently (as you follow your workouts and diet), but also the constituents of your investments must be spread among all the assets. For example, Bank deposits, Equity Mutual Funds, Bonds, Real Estate, among the many. Regarding how much you invest in each of these, is more a factor of one’s unique situation and goals. Needless to say a healthy mix of all these assets would go a long way in helping build a wealthy portfolio in due course.
So it’s not just about having money in the bank that is going to help you stay wealthy. Make sure your investments have suitable Carbs (Bonds), Proteins (Equity), Fats (Bank Deposits) in a good proportion to help you get all the ingredients for a balanced diet and to help enhance your Financial FITNESS.
Category Finsherpa | Tags Financial Freedom
Corporate Executive : Mr Ganesh S, was a senior HR professional with a leading telecom multinatio...