
Recency Bias aiding Banking & PSU Funds
16 Dec, 2021
Recency Bias aiding Banking & PSU Funds

Banking & PSU Funds is a class of Debt funds. Ideally these funds invest into Public Sector B...

Herd Mentality
16 Dec, 2021
Herd Mentality

If a million people do something, it must be right ? This is called social proof wherein we go by...

All that Glitters is Gold
16 Dec, 2021
All that Glitters is Gold

Gold has had an extraordinary year in 2020, going up by almost 20% in value terms. The reasons fo...

Pundits who Predict & why we shouldn’t listen to them.
16 Dec, 2021
Pundits who Predict & why we shouldn’t listen to them.

Everyday when we open the business news channel we are faced with the news reporter who says why...

Be Athmanirbar,  by investing in Global Funds
16 Dec, 2021
Be Athmanirbar, by investing in Global Funds

The last five years have seen tumultuous changes in the Indian Economic landscape, we have had se...

Financial Independence is not FREE!!!
16 Dec, 2021
Financial Independence is not FREE!!!

Most people use the word Independence & freedom interchangeably. It is a fact that India gain...

Choose an Arbitrage Fund, so that your returns are not Arbitrary
16 Dec, 2021
Choose an Arbitrage Fund, so that your returns are not Arbitrary

The next 18-24 months is going to be a challenging time for the global and domestic economies. No...

This Janmastami, Let Lord Krishna inspire your investment management.
16 Dec, 2021
This Janmastami, Let Lord Krishna inspire your investment management.

Lord Krishna is one of the most interesting characters of the Epic Mahabarata. His role and machi...

Looking beyond the Obvious : Infra Story
16 Dec, 2021
Looking beyond the Obvious : Infra Story

Earlier this week I was in conversation with a client when he asked a question that drove me to e...

ZEN and fine art of investing..
16 Dec, 2021
ZEN and fine art of investing..

You are in the middle of the jungle on your trekking trip and suddenly you find a wild elephant c...

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